Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday vases

Last Christmas, I spent a lot of time doing holiday decorations for our house... Now that we're planning on buying and kind of growing out of our rental house, I'm taking the time to enjoy the decor we already have vs. making more and not knowing where it'll all go next holiday season!

Here's a late post from last seasons craft:

All you need is - 
-glue gun
-I used fake flowers

All you need to do is wrap your ribbon around the vases in a way that it'll lay flat,

Glue the ribbon in a few places - making sure you glue on the SIDE and NOT on the bottom of the vase - gluing on the bottom will make it tipsy and not sit flat,

With hot glue, glue a few of the flower heads to your vase in a pattern that makes sense with the shape and size of the vase,

Add the rocks to the bottom, place your flowers (I kept mine together with twist ties), and you're done!


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