Saturday, September 13, 2014

Landscape upkeep: Backyard

So far, we've just begun with what needs to be done in the backyard. 
Over grown flower bed, uneven fire pit, a lot
of over growth


We are very slowly getting there... I've redone our one flower bed back there so it's not overgrown and full of weeds, we've taken a tree out (thanks Tyler!!) and have been doing a lot of trimming and removal of small trees - for some reason, people previous to us had planted tree, on top of tree, on top of tree so they're all growing on top of each other and there's no space between them... Needless to say, we're getting there.

Here's a few of our photos of progress:

Overgrowth being trimmed...

Filed with rock from other beds, pavers
are leveled out, weeds and sticks
thrown INTO fire pit

Existing flowers moved, new flowers planted,
mulch thrown down
Rocks and weeds removed, dirt cleaned up,
will rearrange existing flowers

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